Sunday, August 17, 2014

Assignment #3 Part 3

   In the article A Day in the Life Aboard the International Space Station: Introduction. Compared to the other two article is more fact-based then opinion based. It describes the astronauts mission in space. Also what NASA wishes to achieve with every mission to space.
   In the Article it describes the job of an astronaut in space, ". The station crew spends their day working on science experiments that require their input, as well as monitoring those that are controlled from the ground. They also take part in medical experiments to determine how well their bodies are adjusting to living in microgravity for long periods of time"(NASA) while in the book Packing for Mars describes a different point of view "In reality maybe one percent of an astronauts career takes place in space, and one percent of that is done in a pressure suit. Not that bravery has been entirely phased out. Those recommended astronaut attributes also include 'Ability to Function Despite Imminent Catastrophe.' If something goes wrong everyone's clarity of mind is needed."(mars) Both explain that the life of an astronaut in space is difficult, to be able to cope with a tragic incident, or handle a very different environment is incredibly difficult.
   The author of the article mainly uses logos from the rhetorical triangle to give a clear and basic answer for why they send astronauts to space.  "The space station is a working laboratory orbiting 240 miles above Earth and is home to an international crew. The station has more than 15,000 cubic feet of habitable volume, which includes more room than a conventional three-bedroom house. The station provides a laboratory complex where gravity, a fundamental force on Earth, is virtually eliminated for extended periods,"(NASA) it gives a straight forward answer of what the shuttle is like.  The article contains very little opinions, and is mainly facts from the direct source NASA.
    In comparison to the previous article Space Living the writer states the negative in space travel that did indeed change my perspective but after reading this new article I understand the fascination people have with space. Its a mystery that people are slowly trying to understand, and if people want to go explore the mystery of space who are we to stop them.

(mars)Roach, Mary. Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void. New York: W.W. Norton, 2010. Print.
(NASA)Dunbar, Brian. "A Day in the Life Aboard the International Space Station: Introduction." NASA. Ed. NASA Administrator. NASA, n.d. Web. 17 Aug. 2014. <>.

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